If the Beneficiary cancels the provision of the Requested Services, he will pay 100% of the price for the first night accommodation for cancellation less than 24 hours before the date for which the Services were requested.
Major force:
Force majeure or fortuitous occurrence in circumstances such as: floods, earthquakes, another natural phenomenon that resents the person (a serious illness), or even a social phenomenon (war), violent conflicts, strikes, explosions, forcible interventions communication and access routes, forced fuel supply interruptions, raw materials necessary for the production and / or manufacturing process, serious and / or high-intensity meteorological phenomena, the impossibility of performing an obligation due to an unforeseeable circumstance, etc., but without any limitation to them, exonerates the party invoking it under the law, with the requirement of prior notification within 5 days from the occurrence of force majeure or fortuitous and based on the certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.